Smartforms Printing Without Dialog Box

Smartforms printing without dialog box. This is the sample code :

DATAst_control_parameters    TYPE ssfctrlop.

st_control_parameters-no_dialog 'X'.

* Get Smartforms generated FM name
    PERFORM f_sf_get_fm_name.
    CALL FUNCTION d_fm_name
        control_parameters   = st_control_parameters
        output_options       st_output_options
        document_output_info st_document_output_info
        job_output_info      st_job_output_info
        job_output_options   st_job_output_options
        s_header             t_data
        t_spouse             t_itab
        formatting_error     1
        internal_error       2
        send_error           3
        user_canceled        4
        OTHERS               5.

    CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.

Mariana Novelia Senjaya

Hi. I’m author of ABAP Diary. I’m CEO/Founder of Meet Grapppi. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, ABAPER, Analyst, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Lecturer and Writer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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